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XIan Calendar


The ancient calendar of the house of XI.

The thirteen month's names are actually numerical values...


1           2             3            5            7           11          13         17          19           23          29          31         37

SOL 29 57 85 113 141 169 197 225 253 281 309 337
2 30 58 86 114 142 170 198 226 254 282 310 338
3 31 59 87 115 143 171 199 227 255 283 311 339
4 32 60 88 116 144 172 200 228 256 284 312 340
5 33 61 89 117 145 173 201 229 257 285 313 341
6 34 62 90 118 146 174 202 230 258 286 314 342
7 35 63 91 119 147 175 203 231 259 287 315 343
8 36 64 92 120 148 176 204 232 260 288 316 344
9 37 65 93 121 149 177 205 233 261 289 317 345
10 38 66 94 122 150 178 206 234 262 290 318 346
11 39 67 95 123 151 179 207 235 263 291 319 347
12 40 68 96 124 152 180 208 236 264 292 320 348
13 41 69 97 125 153 181 209 237 265 293 321 349
14 42 70 98 126 154 182 210 238 266 294 322 350
15 43 71 99 127 155 183 211 239 267 295 323 351
16 44 72 100 128 156 184 212 240 268 296 324 352
17 45 73 101 129 157 185 213 241 269 297 325 353
18 46 74 102 130 158 186 214 242 270 298 326 354
19 47 75 103 131 159 187 215 243 271 299 327 355
20 48 76 104 132 160 188 216 244 272 300 328 356
21 49 77 105 133 161 189 217 245 273 301 329 357
22 50 78 106 134 162 190 218 246 274 302 330 358
23 51 79 107 135 163 191 219 247 275 303 331 359
24 52 80 108 136 164 192 220 248 276 304 332 360
25 53 81 109 137 165 193 221 249 277 305 333 361
26 54 82 110 138 166 194 222 250 278 306 334 362
27 55 83 111 139 167 195 223 251 279 307 335 363
28 56 84 112 140 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 364


   The XIan calendar, when compared with astral phenom, allows the sky and stars to move while the day and years are still on a 4 / 7 series of values. This ancient calendar yields quite a fascinating perspective of the planets, stars, and sidereal years differing from commonly used calendar systems of gauging interacting universal bodies and energies.


Imaging and research provided by the Seven Palm Kung Fu Research Institute of Technology.



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