Alphabet - A Language of Runes!
ancient text of the House
of XI.
There are many XIan
ascriptions. Many kinds of text symbols and logos combined into the
primary roots of various houses' written forms of their spoken tongues.
This was most often done to differentiate blood lines and spirit lines,
as well as to write things that can only read and fully interpreted by
those that dwell or have dwelt within that house.
The Royal XIan text consists
of only one character which has powers and gates combined into one
symbol with infinite variability.
Do note that verbal audible
sound and the scribblings which are used to emulate the desired
communicative expressions of the "speaker" is not the only
mode or method of life form to life form communication. Consider that
the Letter kills, but the Spirit brings forth life!
What we refer to as common
XIan text, which we are sharing here, hails from the Phoenician,
Mesopotamian, and cuneiform ascriptions.

Alphabet Main - A Language of Runes!

and research provided by the Seven Palm Kung Fu Research Institute of